Checkout out our automotive cleaning and restoration division.

A partnership between the father and son team of Kent and Glen Billings, Billings Media Blasting provides in-house and on-site media blasting services encompassing the full gamut of surface blasting techniques for a variety of industries and applications.
Billings Media Blasting is able to travel to any location in southern New England to provide a variety of media blasting techniques.
For smaller parts, volume or repetitive work, we provide cabinet blasting services in our Glastonbury, CT facilities.
Our Glastonbury, CT facilities are equipped with a spacious 21′ 6″ long, 12′ wide and 9′ 6″ tall blasting booth.
Sandblasting Facilities For All Projects
Thank you for checking out our website. It has been a while since we last made a blog post. A lot ...
Plowing Snow instead of Blasting Boat Bottoms CT
Hard to believe it is March 31st and it just snowed enough to plow. Billings Media Blasting is itching to get ...
Catching up on Blasting Boat Bottoms
Finally had a nice string of good weather. Working 7 days a week blasting boat bottoms to catch up from the ...